
English Navi

get in


get in


  1. 〔人が家庭や職場に〕着く、来る
  2. 〔飛行機や列車などが〕到着する
  3. 〔学校などに〕入学する、入会する
  4. 〔政治家として〕選ばれる、当選する
  5. 〔車などに〕乗り[入り]込む
  6. 〔活動などに〕加わる、参加する
  7. 〔物を人や場所に〕送る、届ける、提出する
  8. 〔短い時間に言葉や行動を〕差し挟む、組み入れる
  9. 〈英〉〔人を家や仕事場に〕呼ぶ、来てもらう◆修理などをさせるため。
  10. 〈英〉〔必要な物を〕買い込む、集める -  ALC



to succeed in entering a place, especially by using force or a trick:
They must have got in through the bathroom window.
The doors and windows had been bricked up to prevent squatters from getting in.
He banged his head on the car as he was getting in.
We barred the door to stop anyone getting into the room.
They've put barriers up to stop people (from) getting in.
The minibus has a lift to help wheelchair users to get in.

to arrive at your home or the place where you work:
What time did you get in last night?

If a train or other vehicle gets in at a particular time, that is when it arrives:
What time is the plane expected to get in?
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus からの get in の定義 © Cambridge University Press)

to arrive at a place:
What time did you say his plane gets in?

to be elected to a political position:
If Archer gets in as mayor, he’s likely to raise taxes.
(Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary からの get in の定義 © Cambridge University Press)

- Cambridge Dictionary






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