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go out


go out


  1. 外へ出る、外出する、出掛ける、出て行く、出歩く、働きに出る
  2. 〔異性と〕デートする、交際する、付き合う
  3. 公にされる、発送される、放送される、郵送される、送られる、伝えられる、伝達される、投資される
  4. 機能しなくなる
  5. 〔火・明かりが〕消える、消灯する、立ち消えになる
  6. 気を失う、意識を失う、死ぬ、すぐに寝入る
  7. 〔電話が〕不通になる
  8. 人気がなくなる、はやらなくなる、流行しなくなる、流行遅れとなる、廃れる
  9. 終わる、敗退する、負ける、退陣する、退く
  10. 〔潮が〕引く
  11. ~に心が引かれる、~をかわいそうと思う、〔同情が〕向けられる、同情する
  12. 最後の札を出す、ストライキをする、できる限り努力する、テストを受ける、志願する -  ALC


  • Go out that way.
  • How long have you two been going out?
  • Would you go out with me? ; Can we go out sometime?
  • I wouldn't go out with him.
  • So are you two going out now?
  • The brakes went out.
    〔故障などで〕ブレーキが利かない[利かなかった]。◆今ブレーキが利かない状態も過去形のwent outで表す。「機能停止した」という意味なので。
  • When the indicator light goes out, the printing job can be restarted.
  • Does the phone still work when the power goes out?
  • All the lights in the concert hall went out and the audience started screaming.
  • One of my headlights went out.
  • The electricity went out for an hour.
  • This style never goes out.
  • I am not going out like that.
  • My heart goes out to the patients.
    患者を気の毒に思う。 -  ALC


to leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for entertainment:
Please close the door as you go out.
Do you want to go out for a drink after work?
It's terribly smoky in here - I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.
[ + -ing verb ] She goes out partying with her friends every weekend.
She likes to go out at the weekend.
I'm just going out for a walk. Do you want to come?
What time do you want to go out?
Tony forgot to take an umbrella when he went out. I hope it doesn't rain.
He's just gone out. Can I take a message?

to have a romantic and usually sexual relationship with someone:
How long have you been going out with him?
They'd been going out (together/with each other) for almost five years before he moved in with her.

If the tide goes out, it moves back and covers less of the beach.

If a light or something that is burning goes out, it stops producing light or heat:
When I woke up the fire had gone out.

to lose when you are playing in a sports competition, so that you must stop playing in the competition:
England went out to France in the second round of the championship.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus からの go out の定義 © Cambridge University Press)

to have a romantic relationship, esp. one that includes going places together:
We’ve been going out for five months.

(of the ocean tide) to be flowing to a lower level:
While we were gone the tide had gone out, leaving our boat sitting on a sandbar.
(Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary からの go out の定義 © Cambridge University Press)

- Cambridge Dictionary






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