move on
- 先へ進む[進める]、どんどん進む[進ませる]、進歩する、~に取り掛かる
- 〔新しい話題に〕移る、〔次の議題に〕進む
- より良い仕事に移る、昇進する
- 《野球》進塁する
- ~を口説く
- 立ち去る、立ち去らせる、立ち退く、立ち退かせる
- 気持ちを切り替える、諦めをつける、ふんぎりをつける - ALC
- Let's move on.
話を先に進めよう。 - "I thought he was serious about our relationship. I couldn't even imagine that he had another girlfriend!!" "Come on! He is not the only one guy in this world. Let's move on and look for another guy!"
「彼、私たちの関係に真剣だと思ってたのに。他に女がいるなんて考えもしなかった!」「もう!彼だけがこの世でたった一人の男じゃあるまいし。さっさと他の男探そうよ!」 - Let's move on to the next item on the agenda.
次の議題に進みましょう。 - If he could give me a straight answer, I could move on.
彼がはっきり言ってくれれば、諦めもつくんだけど。◆「別れたいなら別れたいと言ってほしい」の類い - ALC
to leave the place where you are staying and go somewhere else:
I've lived in this town long enough - it's time to move on.
to start a new activity:
I'd done the same job for years and felt it was time to move on.
to accept that a situation has changed and be ready to deal with new experiences:
Since he and his girlfriend broke up, he's been finding it difficult to move on.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus からの move on の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
to start a new activity or job, especially after you have spent a long time doing a previous activity or job:
I am excited about the company's future but it is time for me to move on.
to start to discuss a new subject during a formal meeting:
Before moving on, does anyone have any questions they would like to ask?
(Cambridge ビジネス英語辞典 からの move on の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
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