Phrasal Verbs、日本語で言うと「句動詞」。なんだそれ?と思う人のほうが多いと思いますが、簡単に言うと、単語+前置詞 または 単語+副詞 のような組み合わせのもの。例えば get up,look up,take off みたいなものを指します。
このPhrasal Verbsは日常会話において、かなり頻繁に使われるので知っておいて損はありません。ちなみに数はめちゃくちゃ多いです。よく使われるものだけでも、軽く1000は超えると思います。
fill in
- 〔人の仕事の〕代わりを務める◆【参考】fill in for
- 〔穴や隙間に物を〕埋める、埋めて平らにする◆【同】fill
- 〔名前などを空所や文書に〕書き入れる、記入する、書き込む
- 〈話〉〔人に〕詳細を教える[伝える]
- 〈俗〉〔人をひどく〕殴る、打ちのめす - ALC
- Please fill in all the necessary items on the application form.
申込用紙に必要事項を記入してください。 - Fill in your name and address on this page.
このページの空欄に住所と名前を記入してください。 - My kids love word puzzles in which they fill in the blanks.
私の子どもは、ますを埋めていくワード・パズルが好きだ。 - ALC
to do someone else's work for them because they cannot or will not do it themselves:
She will fill in for him while he's at the conference.
I'm not her regular secretary - I'm just filling in.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus からの fill in の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
to do someone else’s job temporarily:
The gym teacher was sick today, so a substitute filled in for her.
(Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary からの fill in の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
fill in
— phrasal verb with fill verb [ T ]
UK /fɪl/ US
[ T ]
to write or type information on a document in spaces that are provided for it:
Companies will encourage customers to fill in questionnaires about themselves.
Please print off a copy of the agreement, fill it in, sign it and send it back.
[ I ]
to do the work of someone else for a short time:
fill in for sb I asked Agnes to fill in for me while I went for lunch.
When you're off sick, someone else has to fill in.
[ T ]
to tell someone something they do not know, especially something that happened when they were not there:
I haven't seen the latest report, so perhaps you could fill me in?
fill sb in on sth Josh filled me in on what had been agreed at the meeting.
(Cambridge ビジネス英語辞典 からの fill in の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
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