Phrasal Verbs、日本語で言うと「句動詞」。なんだそれ?と思う人のほうが多いと思いますが、簡単に言うと、単語+前置詞 または 単語+副詞 のような組み合わせのもの。例えば get up,look up,take off みたいなものを指します。
このPhrasal Verbsは日常会話において、かなり頻繁に使われるので知っておいて損はありません。ちなみに数はめちゃくちゃ多いです。よく使われるものだけでも、軽く1000は超えると思います。
go into
- ~に入る、~に進入[加入・参加]する、~の一員となる
- 詳しく[詳細に]述べる[論じる・議論する・検討する・調べる・調査する・探る]、立ち入って調べる
- ~に通じる、陥る、凝りだす
- ~の状態になる、~の態度を取る
- ~し始める、~に打ち込み始める
- 〔仕事に〕就く、〔事業に〕参入する
- ~に着替える、~の服装をする、身に着ける
- ~にぶつかる、衝突する、〔発作を〕起こす
- 投入される - ALC
- Don't go into my room while I'm away.
私がいないときは、部屋には入らないで。 - 4 goes into 12 three times.
4は12の中に3回入る(ことができる)。/12からは4が3回取り出せる。/4分の12[12割る4]は3。 - I'm not going to go into this again.
この話はもうしたので繰り返しません。 - Nearly 1,000 hours of work went into the project.
その計画には1000時間近くの労力が投入された。 - ALC
to start doing a particular type of work:
My son's planning to go into journalism.
She's decided to go into business as a freelance computer programmer.
to start an activity, or start to be in a particular state or condition:
The drug is still being tested and will not go into commercial production for at least two years.
How many companies have gone into liquidation/receivership during the current recession?
Repeated death threats have forced them to go into hiding.
Her baby was born three hours after she went into labour.
Some of the fans seemed to go into a trance when she appeared on stage.
I'm glad she's going into medicine. It's a very worthy calling.
First she goes into a deep trance and then the spirit voices start to speak through her.
He's always wanted to go into teaching.
He goes into a fit of rage over the smallest mistake.
She went into a coma and died without recovering consciousness.
to discuss, examine, describe, or explain something in a detailed or careful way:
This is the first book to go into her personal life as well as her work.
I'd rather not go into that now. Can we discuss it later?
I'm unable to go into detail(s) at this stage because I still have very little information about how the accident happened.
mainly UK
If time, money, or effort goes into a product or activity, it is used when producing or doing it:
A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition.
If a vehicle goes into something such as a tree or a wall, it hits it:
Their car was travelling at 50 miles an hour when it went into the tree.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus からの go into sth の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
to start doing a particular type of work:
My son's planning to go into journalism.
She's decided to go into business as a freelance computer programmer.
to discuss, examine, or explain something in a detailed or careful way:
The company has gone into detail about the prospects for each division.
if time, money,la or effort goes into a product or activity, it is used when producing or doing it:
A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into this marketing campaign.
(Cambridge ビジネス英語辞典 からの go into sth の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
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