Phrasal Verbs、日本語で言うと「句動詞」。なんだそれ?と思う人のほうが多いと思いますが、簡単に言うと、単語+前置詞 または 単語+副詞 のような組み合わせのもの。例えば get up,look up,take off みたいなものを指します。
このPhrasal Verbsは日常会話において、かなり頻繁に使われるので知っておいて損はありません。ちなみに数はめちゃくちゃ多いです。よく使われるものだけでも、軽く1000は超えると思います。
go on
- 進み続ける、~を続ける[継続する]、~し続ける、続いて~する、続けて~する
- 起こる、発生する_
- 〔時間が〕たつ、経過する
- 作動しだす、始める、受け始める、登場する、機能させる
- 存続する、まい進する、うまくやっていく、どうにかやっていく、やりくりする、仲良くやる、暮らして行く、暮らす
- しゃべり続ける、言い続ける、話し続ける、小言を言い続ける、小言を言う、まくしたてる、ガミガミ言う、いつも不平
- を言う、うるさく言う、罵る、泣き言を言う
- ~の名簿に載る、~の一員となる、~の上に置かれる
- ~を頼りにする、~に近づく、~に頼る、世話になる、~の救助を受ける
- ~に基づく、~によって判断する、手掛かりにする
- ~に関心を持つ、~が気に入る、好きである、~を好む
- 着られる、履ける
- 番になる、舞台に現れる
- 〔番組が〕放送される
- 〔ランプなどが〕点灯する - ALC
- They had to go on even if it rained heavily.
たとえ大雨でも彼らは前進しなければならなかった。 - Prices go on rising.
物価は上がるばかりだ。 - If this goes on, I'll lose his friendship.
このままでは彼との友情もおしまいだ。 - How long is this rainy season going on for?
今年の梅雨はいつまで続くのですか? - I am not sure what is going on.
何が起きているのか全く分からない。 - There is something strange going on here.
様子がおかしい。〔妙なことが進行している〕 - There's a lot going on.
多くの[さまざまな・いろんな]ことが起こっています。 - What's going on with you lately?
最近どうかしたの?◆【場面】相手の様子がおかしい。「いつものあなたらしくない」「何か問題でも起きているのだろうか」と感じられる。 - ALC
to happen:
I'm sure we never hear about a lot of what goes on in government.
This war has been going on for years.
He likes to know what's going on.
Hello, hello. What's going on here then?
The meeting was going on in the room next door.
The matches were going on simultaneously.
It's hard to know what goes on behind my back.
to continue:
Please go on with what you're doing and don't let us interrupt you.
[ + -ing verb ] We really can't go on living like this - we'll have to find a bigger house.
If you go on (= continue behaving) like this, you won't have any friends left at all.
to move to the next thing or stage:
[ + to infinitive ] She admitted her company's responsibility for the disaster and went on to explain how compensation would be paid to the victims.
What proportion of people who are HIV-positive go on to develop (= later develop) AIDS?
to start operating:
The spotlights go on automatically when an intruder is detected in the garden.
When does the heating go on?
to start talking again after a pause:
She paused to have a sip of coffee and then went on with her account of the accident.
[ + speech ] "What I want more than anything else," he went on, "is a house in the country with a large garden for the children to play in."
something that you say to encourage someone to say or do something:
Go on, what happened next?
to talk in an annoying way about something for a long time:
He went on and on until I finally interrupted him and told him I had to go.
I just wish he'd stop going on about how brilliant his daughter is." "Yes, he does go on (a bit), doesn't he?"
I wish you'd stop going on at me (= criticizing me repeatedly) about my haircut.
used when encouraging someone to do something:
Go on, have another drink.
"I don't really feel like seeing a film tonight." "Oh go on. We haven't been to the cinema for ages."
something that you say in order to agree to do or allow something that you did not want to do or to allow before:
"Are you sure you don't want another slice of cake?" "Oh go on then, but just a small one."
to continue or pass:
Tomorrow will start cold but it should get warmer as the day goes on.
As the evening went on, it became clear that we should never have agreed to see each other again.
used when you do not believe someone
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus からの go on の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
to continue:
I won’t go on working in this job forever.
Go on, tell me what happened next.
He could go on and on (= continue talking for a long time) about his adventures.
(Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary からの go on の定義 © Cambridge University Press)
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